Since 1963 the St. Ann Choir has dedicated itself to the mission of singing Gregorian Chant as an integral part of Catholic liturgy. In addition to the complete year's cycle of Gregorian chant for Sunday Mass, the choir also performs medieval and Renaissance polyphony and polyphonic masses of the Renaissance for holy days and other feast days.
Please join us Sunday for Mass at 11 AM - and holy days as announced - at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Waverly at Homer in Palo Alto, California, and for Latin Vespers in Gregorian chant at 5 p.m. at St. Ann Chapel, Melville at Tasso in Palo Alto, California.
St. Ann Choir is also available to sing for weddings, Gregorian requiem masses, and other liturgical events by special arrangement.

The St. Ann Choir is not affiliated with the St. Ann Chapel Choir, the professional group that performs music for the 11 AM Anglican Sunday liturgy at The St. Ann Chapel.

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This page is maintained by John Altstatt jea[at]
Last change 03212021